Edit consignments

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to change the information for one or more consigned items in your inventory.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Modules menu, point to Inventory, then to Consignment & Purchase, then click Edit Consignment. The Pick Customer window displays.
  2. Search for or select a customer and click Select. The Change Consignment Price window displays.
  3. Select one or more check boxes for the consigned items you want to edit.
  4. Enter new values for the item(s) in the New Cost, New Price, New %, New Con Amt, and New Exp Date boxes. You can update one or all of these boxes with new values.
  5. Select the Print New Receipt check box to print a new receipt for the selected item(s).
  6. Click Save. The values you entered in step 4 are applied to each item you selected in the Consigned Item grid and the Select Output Destination window displays.
  7. Select your desired output destination and click OK. The receipt is sent to print preview, a printer, a file location, or email, depending on your report output selections.

Did you know? To quickly enter today's date in any Date boxes, press T on your keyboard. To quickly back-date or forward-date by one day, use the Hyphen key (-) and Equal key (=) on your keyboard (alternatively, use the Minus Sign and Plus Sign keys on your keyboard number pad). To quickly back-date or forward-date by one month, use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard. Press F6 to display a calendar and select a date.